Anti-Blackness in Social Work: A Conversation
Upcoming Dates to be Announced Soon!
This 3-hour course uses a historical framework that will allow participants to understand the influence of racial prejudice. Social work is not exempt from the paradigms of anti-blackness, and its toxic teachings, which perpetuate a cycle of dehumanization. As practitioners, we find ourselves cycling the master's tools of silence and complacency in the face of black suffering. It is imperative that we understand how deeply rooted our perceptions of blackness are in this country, and how they affect our ability to serve those who are impacted directly by this system. This is a shift that is required on not only the macro and mezzo levels, but also at the micro level, in our daily interactions. In this conversation, we will be applying theories such as Critical Consciousness, Cultural Humility, and Critical Race Theory with the goal of employing what they teach us into clinical praxis.
Participants will begin to examine their own practices and apply what is learned in the class through cross cultural supervision lens
Participants will develop practice skills which allow for uncomfortable conversations about identity and what role each of us plays in someone else’s oppression
Participants will become change agents in our own respective agencies; to impact the way we practice social work in a clinical and case management setting