The medical and psychological effects of COVID-19 within jails and prisons


In the United States, 2.7 million children have a parent who is incarcerated. In New York alone, there are 105,000 children living under these circumstances. Children impacted by parental incarceration often face significant traumatic impacts caused by this experience, including the ambiguous loss of their parent to incarceration and the collateral consequences of that incarceration on their family. Children with an incarcerated loved one may struggle with the stigma and shame of having a parent in prison.

This 1-hour webinar will provide an overview of the oppressive systems that impact families with an incarcerated parent, the mental health needs of children and families impacted by parental incarceration, and trauma-informed recommendations based on a community-practice model of service.


  • Participants will be able to describe the clinical impact of parental incarceration on children

  • Participants will be able to identify treatment modalities and theories to inform clinical practice when working with children of incarcerated parents

lauren harvey